As an Education Specialist with Trio’s Talent Search program, I’m always looking for thought-provoking and engaging ways to capture and retain the interest of the students that our department serves. When our director brought to our attention that Dr. Ellis was chosen to render our “College Series” for our Saturday workshop endeavor, I immediately began to anticipate what he would bring to our students that would enhance what we have already imparted to them. After being introduced at the first meeting, Dr. Ellis set the tone for what would prove to be one of our most successful workshop sessions that I have been able to witness since being an Education Specialist. Not only was Dr. Ellis engaging with our students, but his hands on approach and relatable dialect also created an excitement and motivation for our students to adhere to the wealth of knowledge that he was communicating to them. I remember one of our students asking whether he’d be back after our first session because he made such a great impression on her. His genuine approach with each student definitely garnered a profound, positive impact in their lives. I was impressed with how he conducted our Talent Search sessions that my organization booked him as our keynote speaker for our upcoming African Heritage Extravaganza. He comes HIGHLY recommended!